IT Factor has partnered with Emsisoft Antivirus! With this we can offer this amazing product to our clients to ensure that their systems are protected to the fullest extent possible!
What is Emsisoft Antivirus?
Emsisoft Antivirus is an award winning Antivirus, Anti-Malware and Anti-Ransomware. Not only does it update daily, but it ensures that your entire computer network is secured! This layered solution will not only protect your users from going to malicious websites, it also comes with a real-time file guard and behavior blocking abilities.
How does it work?
Emsisoft Antivirus has been coded with the power of AI and Machine Learning for enhanced protection, which takes cybersecurity to the next level! The real-time file guard utilizes a dual-engine scanner that checks all downloaded and modified files in real-time to ensure you do not have any malicious files. The behavior blocker will monitor all active processes and issues alerts any time there is a sign of suspicious activity. The Anti-Ransomware uses a custom-built behavioral monitoring to prevent ransomware from encrypting your files by monitoring your files and shutting down the process that is trying to encrypt them.

What other benefits are there to this system?
One additional option that you can purchase as an add-on to this system is the Content Filtering Service. This service allows the Emsisoft program to actively refuse your end-users from going to certain websites by genre! One example would be if you do not want any of your end-users to go to adult websites, you can block it for your entire organization. With content filtering on, it will record any attempt to view this type of website so that you can trace back to which end user it was and where they were trying to go! There are a total of six genres built into the system, but IT Factor can create custom rules just for you!
How easy is it to integrate into our existing system?
Partnered with Emsisoft Antivirus, it is as easy as flipping a button on our end. With full integration into our RMM and CRM, we can easily activate it to all computers in your network with automated installation and configuration. We will also have full access to their Cloud Console, which will allow us to monitor your entire network, check for issues and resolve problems directly from our office! This will show us all incidents, files found, and much more! For more information on Antivirus Solutions click here!